1. As a general rule, and especially on bends and brows of hills with reduced visibility, vehicles will drive, on all the routes subject of the Law on traffic, movement of motor vehicles and road safety, on the right and as close as possible to the edge of the road, maintaining sufficient lateral separation to traverse safely.
“Left lane syndrome”; the lanes located on the left are for overtaking, so once this manoeuvre is carried out and it is not intended to continue overtaking vehicles, you must rejoin the lane further to the right.
There are vehicles that, when driving through a two-lane roundabout, usually go over the line separating both lanes whilst the law makes it clear that you have to drive as close as possible to the right to avoid possible contact between vehicles.
Another common mistake on three-lane roads is to stay in the middle lane when not wanting to overtake, in which case one should use the far right lane.
Remember that the fact that the road has hardly any traffic does not give you the right to drive in the left or central lane; as a general rule, you should always keep to the right.
Even when there are no specific road signs that designate them, on brows of hills and bends with reduced visibility, every driver, except in the cases of overtaking provided in Article 88, must leave completely free the half of the road relating to those that drive in the opposite direction.
2. Instances of driving on the left, in the opposite direction to that stipulated, in a two-way road, will be considered as very serious infractions.