Article 46 Moderation of speed – Cases

by Mark Nolan

1. You are to drive at a moderate speed and, if necessary, stop the vehicle when circumstances demand it, especially in the following cases:


A) When there are pedestrians on the part of the road that is being used or if rationally it could be foreseen, especially if it is children, the elderly, the blind or other people that are clearly disabled.

B) When approaching cyclists, at intersections and in the vicinity of cycle lanes and pedestrian crossings not regulated by traffic lights or traffic controllers, as well as when approaching markets, educational centres or to places where the presence of children is likely.

C) When there are animals on the part of the road that is being used or if rationally it could be foreseen.

Warning of DOMESTIC animals on the left, WILD animals on the right.

D) In areas with buildings, that have immediate access to the part of the road that is being used.

E) When approaching a bus at a bus stop, especially if it is a school bus.

F) Out of built up areas, when approaching immobilised vehicles on the road and near cyclists on the road or it’s hard shoulder.

G) When travelling on a slippy road or when water, gravel or other materials may be splashed or sprayed onto other road users.

H) When approaching level crossings, roundabouts and intersections in which priority is not granted, and to places of reduced visibility or narrowing.

If the intersection is properly marked but the visibility of the road is practically zero, the speed of the vehicle should not exceed 50 kilometres per hour.


I) When passing another vehicle, if the circumstances of the road, vehicles or weather / environmental conditions do not allow it to be carried out safely.

J) In bright sunlight / glare.

K) In dense fog, heavy rain, snow or clouds of dust or smoke.

Every driver must travel at a speed that allows the vehicle to stop within the limits of their field of vision, and before any obstacle that may arise.  Remember that in all circumstances,  if the vehicle driving in front of you stops and you hit it, you will be responsible for not having kept “a safe distance”; one that allows you to stop the vehicle without colliding with the vehicle in front of you.


If a driver brakes abruptly when they sense a possible mobile / fixed radar, thereby creating a risk for the vehicles driving behind them, this is not considered “a moderation of speed”.  This behaviour will be classed as a serious infringement of the rules.


2. Infractions to these rules will be considered serious or very serious.

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