1. The order of preference for crossing bridges or road works whose width does not allow vehicles to pass each other will be carried out in accordance with the regulating signals.
2. In the case of two vehicles wishing to cross bridges or roadworks where a priority signal is placed, the vehicle which does not have priority must give way to the vehicle which does.
In the absence of signalling, the order of preference between the different types of vehicles shall be in accordance with the provisions of article 62.
3. Vehicles that need special authorisation to travel cannot cross over bridges if the width of the road is less than six metres, so that for each vehicle a track width of not less than three metres can be counted. In the event of a meeting or crossing between said vehicles, the provisions of the previous section shall apply.
4. Infractions to the norms of this precept will be considered as serious, as foreseen in article 65.4.c) of the articulated text.