Home SECTION IV SIGNAGE CHAPTER VI TYPES AND MEANINGS OF ROAD SIGNS AND ROAD MARKINGS SECTION 4 VERTICAL TRAFFIC SIGNS Subsection 2 Regulatory signals Article 156 Signs of end of prohibition or restriction

Article 156 Signs of end of prohibition or restriction

by Mark Nolan

The nomenclature and meaning of the end prohibition or restriction signs are the following:


R-500. End of prohibitions. This indicates the place from which all the specific prohibitions indicated by previous prohibition signs for vehicles in motion are no longer applicable.


R-501. End of speed limitation. This indicates the place from where a previous maximum speed sign is no longer applicable.


R-502. End of the overtaking ban. This indicates the place from where a previous sign prohibiting overtaking is no longer applicable.


R-503. End of the overtaking ban for trucks. This indicates the place from where a previous sign prohibiting overtaking for trucks is no longer applicable.


R-504. End of limited parking area. This indicates the place from where a previous sign of limited parking area is no longer applicable.


R-505. End of cycle path. It indicates the place from where a previous cycle path sign is no longer applicable.


R-506. End of minimum speed. It indicates the place where an earlier minimum speed sign is no longer applicable.

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