1. In sections of road where, due to narrowing, it is impossible or very difficult for two vehicles travelling in the opposite direction to pass simultaneously and where there is no express signalling to the effect, the first vehicle to enter the restricted section will have priority of passage.
In case of doubt about this circumstance, the vehicle with the greatest manoeuvrability difficulty shall have preference, in accordance with definitions set out in article 62.
2. When road repair works are being carried out, vehicles, horses and all species of farm animals will pass through the designated areas.
3. Whenever it is possible to do so without danger or damage to work being carried out, passage through the section in repair will be allowed for police, fire service, civil protection and rescue and health care vehicles whether public or private, which are operating in an emergency situation and whose drivers indicate so by means of the use of corresponding signalling.
4. In all cases, any vehicle that approaches a road repair work section and finds another vehicle travelling in the same direction ahead, will be placed behind it, as close as possible to the edge of the right and will not try to pass but remain following.
5. In all the cases foreseen in this article, road users are obliged to follow the instructions of the personnel assigned to regulate the passage of vehicles.
Remember that you must heed the indications of the person who is regulating traffic at road works. It is a traffic offence not to obey them when they are on traffic regulation duties.
6. Infractions to the norms of this precept will be considered as serious.

The sign on the left denotes that vehicles do NOT have priority, the sign on the right indicates that these vehicles DO have priority